Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Force Windows 7 startup and shutdown while viewing for more information.

Good job and irrelevant in Windows 7, freeing the user from under the hood of a complex affair, the operating system does not. However, beneath the beautiful look of Windows 7 to troubleshoot the error once at startup and shutdown is going, you may need to check. Describes how to view details Windows 7 startup and shutdown.

When can fail with Windows 7 startup and shut down twice. Two people for PC, because it is exactly the same hardware, software, drivers, user accounts, such as the installation of the operating system is unique.

Displays a message that launches Windows 7, when you shut down the operating system load and unload resources and hide instead of the animation and the operating system is doing what.

Is trying to fix any errors if Windows 7 problems occur during the time that this error is if you do not feel they could view ???. sho-.

How to display detailed information about Microsoft starting and shutting down Fortunately, does not provide. Unfortunately, force to view the information in Windows 7 is editing the registry.

Are about to read what if editing the registry, or uncomfortable, not familiar, do not try. On your PC, see the knowledge of Windows 7 with registry Pro or someone is.

The login account with administrator privileges in Windows 7 start. Then, click Start > Run. [Start] If you do not have a run menu command press Windows on the keyboard, press R.

Run dialog box, and then type "regedit" and the click OK. Make sure to run the application and you really UAC warning will pop up.

Run Registry Editor in Windows 7

Navigate to the folder the RegistryEditor left panel.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\ CurrentVersion \Policies\System

Locate the System Folder in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE

Menu then click Edit > new > DWord (32-bit) value. In the name of the Type1in new DWORD value name, and then press enter.

Name the DWord VerboseStatus

Create the Type1in DWord on right click, select change menu change 1 value data. Windows 7 details appears, and then click the OK button now operating system startup or shutdown every time.

Changing 0 value data variable if you want more information on Windows 7 so far, or DWORD value to remove completely.

Change the VerboseStatus Value Data to 1

What is happening under the operating system Windows 7 If you have protection from the no load, while unloading start, and then shut down to see also down.

To add the registry DWORD value, and troubleshoot your PC and otherwise for more information have a chance to fix the error couldn't see no better. Like many Linux distributions detailed information to enable indicating unload resources for loading the Windows 7 and the default notice behavior.

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